Here you can find examples of supplemental prompts to give you an idea of what to expect.


This information was most recently updated in May of 2023. Please refer to CASPA and individual program websites as well for the most recent supplemental information. This page is meant to give you an idea of the types of prompts you can expect on many secondary applications for PA school. If you see any errors or would like to contribute any information, please email us at



  • 2023 - None on CASPA

  • What motivated you to apply to Samford University's Master in Physician Assistant Studies Program? (3000 characters)

    Tell us about your personal and clinical experience and how that makes you a good candidate for Samford University's Master in Physician Assistant Studies program? (3000 characters)

    Please describe how you fit into the Samford University's Master in Physician Assistant Studies mission statement. (3000 characters)

    Please describe how your academic preparation will make you successful in our Master of Science in Physician Assistant Studies program. (3000 characters)

    Have you previously applied to Samford University's Master in Physician Assistant Studies program? Please answer yes or no. If yes, please discuss how you have improved your application over the last year. (500 characters)

    Did you participate as a college level athlete? If yes, was it a D1, D2, D3 college level, and how long did you participate? (Not including intramurals or club sports) (500 characters)

  • Supplemental not on CASPA

    Please provide any additional information that you wish the admissions committee to consider regarding the prerequisites or your academics. Include information about any deficiency in the pre-requisite courses, including a grade of "C" or less. Please comment on how you have rectified any deficiencies. Use Appendix A if additional space is needed.

    What area of medicine are you interested in practicing and why?

    Please use Appendix A to tell us why attending the UAB Physician Assistant Program is important to you. (Applicants for the MSPAS/MPH program should describe why the dual program is important.)

  • Supplemental not on CASPA

    1500 characters - What attracts you to the University of South Alabama Physician Assistant Studies Program?


  • 200 characters - If you have previously applied to the Arizona School of Health Sciences PA Program, how have you improved your application since your last submission? If you have not previously applied, please type N/A.

  • Supplemental sent after eligibility determined

    ***check email and program website

  • 2023 - None on CASPA

  • 2023 - None in CASPA

  • The mission of the Northern Arizona University Physician Assistant (PA) Program is to recruit individuals of the highest possible quality from diverse backgrounds and life experiences to the profession. We will equip you with clinical and professional knowledge, skills, and abilities to provide high-quality, compassionate medical care for the people of Arizona. In what way(s) will you contribute to the mission of the program? (3000 characters)

    If you previously applied to any PA program(s), please describe how you have improved your application for this year. If you are not a reapplicant, answer "Not applicable." (3000 characters)

    Academic challenges and life’s obstacles may impact the ability to be successful. Some indicators of this impact include D or F grades or excessive C grades, course drops or withdrawals, or frequent repeated courses, etc. If applicable, please explain any circumstances that may have affected your ability to reach your academic goals. Include strategies you implemented to address any of these indicators. If this question does not apply to you, answer "Not applicable." (3000 characters)

    The rigorous nature of PA education requires a student to be consistent, reliable, and timely. Certain circumstances may impact the ability to maintain a rigorous academic history. Some indicators of the effect of these circumstances include long gaps in course enrollment, low semester course loads, and extended time to completion of degrees. If applicable, describe the circumstances related to any of these indicators in your application. If this question does not apply to you, answer "Not applicable." (3000 characters)


  • If you have had a pattern of significant academic difficulty in the past and would like to provide a brief explanation, do so here. (1500 characters)

  • Please describe specifically why you want to attend the Physician Assistant Program at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences. (1000 charcters)

    Please describe what cultural humility means to you and explain how you will embrace cultural humility in the classroom and in the clinical setting. (1000 characters)

    Please provide any additional comments or information that you would like the Admissions Committee to consider during the review. (5000 characters)


  • 250 words or less

    Based on all prior coursework, which course or class was the most difficult and why?

    Please share the types of learning you have experienced in prior coursework (lecture, small group, (a)synchronous, individual study) and your preference.

    Have you ever taken a class delivered entirely in a small group learning format? Describe how this format is/is not a good fit for you.

    Describe a time in your life where you overcame some difficult challenges, what helped you through those hard times and what did you learn from that experience?

  • Why do you want to attend California Baptist University? Describe in 250 words or less.

  • 2023 - None

  • 500 characters - If you indicated that you have previously applied to Chapman University’s PA Program, please describe what you have done in the past year to improve your application for this cycle. If not, please enter N/A.

  • 2023 - None required

  • 2023 - None required

  • Sent after CASPA is verified

  • Discuss the three most important priorities in your life, and how they apply to your interest in our PA program. (1,000 character limit including spaces)

    What do you expect to contribute to this University and community? (1,000 character limit including spaces)

    Choose one of the following topics to write about (1,000 character limit including spaces): (a) Tell us about a person from history or present day who has influenced your life, and how. (b) Tell us about a talent or interest you have outside of medicine. (c) Tell us about a book you read in the last year that had a big impact on you, and why. (d) Where do you see yourself in five years?

    If you are a MBKU re-applicant, please tell us what cycle you applied (i.e. 2021-22) and what you have done to improve your application since then. If you are not a re-applicant, please enter "N/A". (1,000 character limit including spaces)

  • Point Loma Nazarene University has a unique mission dedicated to service. Please tell us your experience with service to your community and, if applicable, to underserved populations. Please type your response below. No more than 200 words.

  • Provide specific examples of personal and/or professional experiences to demonstrate how you exemplify at least three of the core values of the Samuel Merritt University Physician Assistant Program. (List core values in the order of importance) (1000 characters)

    If you feel there are deficiencies in any part of your application as a result of life circumstances, please explain those issues and how you have effectively addressed them. (1000 characters)

    Samuel Merritt University values the unique contributions of students from diverse backgrounds. Please provide insight into the contribution you will make to our program and the PA profession as a result of your unique background and life experience. (1000 characters)

  • How did you learn about SCU's MSPA Program? (100 characters)

    Please describe your interpretation of what integrative medicine means and why you are interested in attending SCU. (1000 characters)

  • Describe in more detail how you align with one of our program goals, including:

    contributing to the diversity of the PA profession; working with underserved healthcare

    communities; working with the Stanford healthcare community; engaging in patient-

    centered care; and demonstrating potential as a future PA leader. (2,000 characters)

  • Please provide the application year(s) and outcome(s) for your previous Touro University California MSPAS/MPH applications. Please enter "Did Not Apply" if you haven't previously applied.

    If you are a re-applicant to the Touro University California MSPAS/MPH program, what changes have you made which should result in a different outcome? Your response is limited to 250 words or less.

    Other than those already listed in your application, please list your specific experiences working with a physician assistant. Include the clinical setting, field of medicine, the role you played (e.g., shadower, colleague, tec.), and the approximate number of hours. Your response should be limited to 100 words or less.

    Using a social justice framework and a public health lens, the mission of the Touro University California Joint MSPAS/MPH program is to: Recruit applicants from under-resourced communities and individuals with a demonstrated interest in serving these communities. Educate quality PAs who will provide culturally sensitive care and advocate for under-resourced communities. Increase access to high-quality care for under-resourced communities with an emphasis in primary care.

    What are the personal attributes you possess and/or the activities in which you've been involved which demonstrate your commitment to our mission? Your response should be limited to 350 words or less.

    How do you envision fulfilling our mission as a graduate of this program? Your response should be limited to 350 words or less.

    What challenges will your education in Public Health enable you to address in providing primary care to under-resourced populations? Your response should be limited to 350 words or less.

  • If you have every been enrolled in a graduate program and not completed your degree objective, please explain in detail the circumstances for terminating your enrollment. If you have completed your intended degree or have not enrolled in a graduate program, please enter N/A. (1000 characters)

  • 2023 - Must submit fee through program website to receive supplemental

  • How did you hear about the program? (500 characters)

  • How do your values and experience make you a good fit for KGI? (2000 characters)

    How can PAs be leaders in healthcare? (2000 characters)

    An entrepreneurial or innovative spirit is central to KGI’s overall mission. Tell us about a time when you were able to create/implement an innovative idea or a new solution for an existing problem. (2000 characters)

    Tell us about any life experiences you have had (unrelated to academics) where you demonstrated perseverance. (2000 characters)

    What do you like to do in your spare time outside of healthcare or academics? (2000 characters)

  • Please describe any leadership experience.

  • If you have course withdrawals or incompletes in your academic history/transcripts, please use the space below to document anything relevant/pertinent to those circumstances. (250 characters)

    Describe your past, current, or plans for future service/intentions for service to underserved communities, individuals, and/or causes with examples of how these intentions relate to your career as a future Physician Assistant. (250 characters)

    Describe your experience with online coursework, specifically delivery modality and all outcomes related to online coursework. (250 characters)

    Please use the space below to document anything we need to know about your candidacy that isn’t detailed in the application or narrative section. (250 characters)

  • 2023 - None required


  • In 250 words or less, please articulate your commitment to the CMU Master of Physician Assistant Studies Program mission and vision and how you have exemplified those values.

    500 characters - How did you hear about the Colorado Mesa University Master of Physician Assistant Studies Program?

    500 characters - What interests you most about the Colorado Mesa University MPAS Program?

  • How do your prior experiences demonstrate you are a match for the Red Rocks Physician Assistant program? (500 characters)

    Describe life challenges or obstacles you have overcome to prepare for a successful career as a physician assistant. (500 characters)

    In what area of medicine do you want to practice?

    Explain how your health care relevant experience has prepared you to succeed as a physician assistant. (500 characters)

  • Please provide a creative autobiography. (3000 characters)

    Please describe a stressful experience and its impact on your life. (3000 characters)

    Please explain why you are a good match for the PA profession. (3000 characters)

    Please explain why you are a good match specifically for the RVU PA Program. (3000 characters)

  • 2023 - Submit through program website


  • 2023 - None required

  • What will you bring to the Sacred Heart University PA program and the PA profession? (1200 characters)

    How has your background and experience prepared you to be effective in an environment that holds diversity and inclusivity as core to our mission and values? (1200 characters)

    Briefly describe a challenge that you overcame, and what you learned from the experience. (1200 characters)

    Describe your paid, direct patient care experience(s) and what you have learned from that experience(s). (1200 characters)

  • How does your personal mission align with the mission of the University of Bridgeport PA Institute? (2500 characters)

    Describe a challenge that you have faced in your life, and how you overcame it. (2500 characters)

    Through your observations when working with or shadowing PAs, describe an experience that you believe will shape your future practice as a PA. (2500 characters)

  • Please tell us how you relate to our mission and why you chose to apply to the USJ PA Studies Program. (2000 characters)

    If you have applied to ANY PA program in the past, what have you done to improve yourself as a candidate since last admissions cycle? (1000 characters)

    If desired, please include any additional information below you would like the admissions committee to consider to clarify portions of your CASPA application (i.e. course failures, gaps in educational or employment history, positive responses to CASPA background questions, etc) (2000 characters)

  • Supplemental not on CASPA

    500 word limit

    The Yale PA Program's Mission Statement states:

    The mission of the Yale School of Medicine Physician Associate Program is to educate individuals to become outstanding clinicians and to foster leaders who will serve their communities and advance the physician assistant profession. Please explain how you envision fulfilling our Mission as a graduate of the Program.

    Diversity in all of its forms is valued at the Yale School of Medicine Physician Associate Program. Please describe how your background and experiences will contribute to this important focus, and how it will prepare you for a career as a Physician Associate.

    How have you prepared to enter a program with an emphasis on clinical research? Describe your strengths and areas needing improvement.

    Why have you chosen to specifically apply to the Yale PA Program?

  • If you have previously applied to the Yale PA Online program, please use this space to detail how you have improved your application since your last submission in any of the following areas: academics,

    hands-on patient care, volunteering experience, shadowing experience, or another area which you feel

    would impact your acceptance to the program. In addition, you may use this space to detail any other

    issues/concerns you would like to address for the admissions committee. This may include time lapses in

    higher education, academic issues, personal struggles, or clinical experience issues. 3000 characters


  • 1000 characters - Describe a non-academic challenge you have experienced and what you learned from that.

    1000 characters - Describe a time when you misjudged someone and what you learned from that experience.

    3000 characters - If applicable, please take this opportunity to explain any gaps in your education or work experience. If none, enter N/A.

    1000 characters - If applicable, please explain any grades on your transcript other than C+ though A+ (i.e., NP, W, F, D, NG, etc). AP credits or transfer credits do not need to be explained. If none, enter N/A.


  • Why are you pursuing the joint Physician Assistant/Public Health program? (1500 characters)

    At GW PA, we strive to create a diverse and inclusive learning community of students who embody our program mission. So that we may get to know you better as a complete person, please provide a written answer to each of the following prompts in 700 characters or less per prompt. The embedded questions should serve as a guide in framing your responses, however you do not need to answer all the questions contained in each item. You are welcome to draw upon information already shared in the Experiences tab, personal statement, or other parts of your application.

    Describe a situation where you positively influenced or led others. (For example: What was your role? What responsibilities did you assume? Did you encounter any obstacles? If so, how did you overcome them?) (700 characters)

    Describe a service activity or activities you have provided to a community or organization. How has your involvement contributed to it? (For example: How long were you involved with this group and why did you choose to get involved?) (700 characters)

    Describe an interaction where you were involved or witnessed an act where an individual or group was being treated unfairly or discriminated against. (For example: How did you respond or not respond? Do you wish you would have responded differently?? What did you learn from this experience?) (700 characters)

    Reflect upon a specific situation when you received constructive feedback. How did you respond and what, if anything, did you learn? (For example: How did you feel after receiving the feedback?) (700 characters)

    Describe a situation when you utilized a support person or network to achieve a personal goal. ? (For example: What did you learn about yourself in completing this goal? How did achieving this goal impact you?) (700 characters)

    Describe a non-academic or non-professional interest where you have learned a skill or gained new knowledge. (For example: How long have you been involved in this special interest? What knowledge have you developed? How has it expanded your ability to try new things or think differently?) (700 characters)


  • 6000 characters

    Please write a professional essay outlining why you are pursuing a career as a PA, experiences or interactions you have had with a PA, why you want to attend a faith-based institution, and specifically why you would like to attend AdventHealth University.

  • 2023 - None required

  • Application opens 8/1/23

  • What aspect of the FIU MPAS program lead to your decision to apply? (1000 characters)

    What personal characteristics and skills make you well suited for this program? (1000 characters)

    Address any deficiencies (if applicable) with your application (prereqs, grades etc.). Discuss your ability to be successful despite these deficiencies and include strategy you will use to succeed. Enter NA if not applicable. (1000 characters)

    How did you learn about MPAS at FIU: MPAS website, recruitment event/fair (identify), presentation (identify), MPAS Information Session, Pre Health Advisor, s friend, a PA, and/or other? (500 characters)

  • Do you have any weaknesses on your application? If yes, explain. 1500 characters

  • 2023 - None required

  • Separate supplemental on program website

  • Please describe any extracurricular activities, your extent of involvement (offices held, etc.) dates of participation, and total number of hours (not hours per week) spent on each activity throughout your time in undergraduate or graduate school. (2000 characters)

  • Do you have experience working with an underserved population? If yes, please describe your experiences with the underserved populations. (500 characters)

  • Supplemental sent separately after completing CASPA

  • Supplemental sent separately after completing CASPA

  • What is the role of a PA? (500 characters)

    Why do you want to come to Palm Beach Atlantic University? (500 characters)

    What are some ways that you have impacted your community? (500 characters)

  • Are you applying to another South University campus (i.e. Savannah, Richmond, West Palm Beach, Austin)? If so, please provide the campus(es) to which you are applying? (75 characters)

    How did you finance your undergraduate education? (150 characters)

    If you have had a gap in your education, state the factors or reasons that contributed to this. If you have not had a gap in your education, please use N/A. (150 characters)

    Please list any leadership positions you have held. (100 characters)

    Do you have any personal military experience? If so, please explain your duties, obligations, and overall responsibilities. If not, please use N/A. (250 characters)

  • 2023 - None required

  • Have you attended a Summer Health Professional Education Program? If yes, what year and which institution? (1000 characters)

    Please explain any circumstances that may have impacted your academic performance. (1000 characters)

    Discuss any personal experience(s), unrelated to academics, where you demonstrated resiliency or perseverance. (2000 characters)

    At UF SPAS, our values are rooted in excellence, integrity, diversity, compassion and service. Please provide one specific example, not mentioned elsewhere on your application, of how you demonstrate our values. (2000 characters)

    At the UF SPAS, our mission is "to educate students to become physician assistants who will serve the people of Florida and the nation as part of a multidisciplinary healthcare team in a diverse and ever-changing healthcare environment." Please discuss what attracts you to the UF SPAS and its mission. (2000 characters)

  • Please explain any areas of difficulty you may have experienced in your academic performance and specifically describe how you have corrected any weaknesses. (1000 characters)

  • 2023 - No essays required


  • Not on CASPA. Check program website.

  • 250 characters - In addition to your CASPA application, is there any additional information that you would like for Brenau University to consider in reviewing your application?

    750 characters - Please explain any W's, F's or D's on your transcript. If this does not apply, please enter N/A.

    750 characters - Please describe in detail your participation in employment, extracurricular activities/ volunteer/community service that involved an average of at least 15 clock hours per week while in college during regular semester timeframes. Please provide contact information for someone who can confirm your participation in said activities. If not applicable, please enter N/A.

  • Check program website

  • 2023- Not in CASPA

  • Please describe ways in which you have demonstrated a commitment and/or experience in promoting and advancing health equity in your past or present endeavors.

    Please indicate any special experiences, unusual factors or other information you feel would be helpful in evaluating your application, including but not limited to the following: education, employment, extra curricular activities, and/or prevailing over adversity (academic or economic disadvantages).

  • 2023 - None on CASPA

  • 2023 - None on CASPA

  • 2023 - None on CASPA


  • Not in CASPA - 2023


  • READ CAREFULLY! This section relates ONLY to previous applications to Idaho State's PA Program. This does NOT refer to applications to other PA programs, nor other Idaho State Graduate or Undergraduate programs.

    If you previously applied to the ISU PA program, please indicate the year(s) that you submitted your application. If this is your first application, please enter NA. (100 characters)


  • 1000 characters - (Optional) Please list your plans to complete any pending admission requirements (prerequisite coursework, GRE, etc.).

  • 3000 characters - Please use this space only to elaborate on or clarify information noted in your application (e.g. Infraction details; low GPAs; for re-applicants: what have you done to improve your current application; etc.)

    500 words - . This is a question for you to elaborate on your thoughts on the listed scenario. Please use no more than 500 words in your answer. It is winter and the emergency department has an influx of patients. To deter the non-emergent cases, the CEO decides to implement a $20 ER visit fee prior to being triaged and seen by a physician. This is regardless of a patient’s insurance status. The hope is that simple complaints like colds and stomach upset will be deterred from crowding the ER. What are your thoughts on this?

  • Please discuss any deficiencies in your application that have not already been addressed. (300 characters)

  • 2023 - None in CASPA

  • Describe your experience working with members of underserved communities, or describe your approach

    to working with people who are different from you. Please include a specific example, Please answer only

    one of these two questions.

  • 2023- Not in CASPA

  • Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science continuously strives to advance diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in all that we do. Each applicant’s lived experience provides an opportunity to contribute to our mission. Please share the ways in which your personal identities, experiences, or perspectives will enrich RFU's DEI efforts at the individual, institutional, or community levels. (This optional statement may be considered for admission and/or scholarship purposes. You may update the information in this section at any time prior to submitting your application.) (9999 characters)

  • Why do you want to attend the PA Program at Rush University?

  • Please describe why you have chosen to apply to the SIU SOM PA Program and what makes you well-suited for admission to the Program. (1400 characters)

    Describe those experiences you have had working with diverse populations and what you learned from those experiences about yourself. (1000 characters)

  • 2023 - None in CASPA


  • 5000 characters - Describe your service experience(s) where you effectively provided benefit. When describing your experience(s), please include the impact your work had on the individual(s) with whom you interacted.

    5000 characters - Describe your leadership experience(s) where you were effective in your position. When describing your experience(s), please include the position and the impact your leadership had on the individual(s) with whom you interacted.

    5000 characters - Outside of leadership, service, and employment share any additional life experiences (family, community, etc.) that would be beneficial to bring to the Butler Community. This should not be redundant of your personal statement.

  • How did you originally hear about the Physician Assistant Program at Franklin College? (1000 characters)

    Briefly, what attracts you to this program? (2000 characters)

  • Do you feel your academic record accurately reflects how you will perform in a PA Program? (500 characters)

    Please explain how you, as a student and one day practicing clinician, will best exemplify the mission of the Indiana State University Physician Assistant Program. (500 characters)

  • Describe how your experiences inside and outside of the classroom have prepared you to manage both the demands of a rigorous curriculum and the maturity and professionalism necessary while enrolled in a physician assistant program. (5000 characters)

  • How did you first hear about the Trine University MPAS Program? (500 characters)

    Why have you applied/reapplied to Trine University for your PA education? (2500 characters)

  • Why are you interested in attending the University of Evansville Physician Assistant Program? (4000 characters)

    Admission into PA programs is highly competitive. Why should we select you over another qualified applicant? (6000 characters)

  • The University of Saint Francis requires applicants to complete two essays and submit a third written acknowledgement. Please submit ALL THREE essays/acknowledgements on the same document. These essays should be typed on a word document and written in single-spaced, 12-point, Times New Roman font. You are allotted a maximum of 2 pages for each essay. The written acknowledgement should be typed at the end of the document.

    Essay 1: Please review the Physician Assistant Program's Mission Statement: How do you see yourself carrying out the mission of USF's PA Program as a student and/or a graduate of our program?

    Essay 2: Reflecting on your most impactful educational experiences, how could our active learning model provide you with the best learning environment?

    Written Acknowledgement: To acknowledge this statement, please type, "I acknowledge the admission criteria for the University of Saint Francis's PA Program and I will have concluded my undergraduate degree prior to the first week of May."


  • 500 characters - Why are you choosing to apply to Des Moines University?

    250 characters - If you are reapplying to our program, in what ways have you improved your application for this year? If you are not a re-applicant, please respond with N/A.

    150 characters - Have you spent time shadowing an alumnus of the Des Moines University PA program? If yes, please enter the person's name. If no, respond with N/A.

    250 characters - Please list your plans to complete any pending requirements (coursework, bachelor's degree, healthcare experience, PA shadowing).

    150 characters - Do you have any relatives who are Des Moines University alumni? If yes, please indicate the person's name(s) and degree(s) earned. If no, please respond with N/A.

  • How do you feel you will exemplify Northwestern College PA Program's mission and vision as a student? (2000 characters)

    What most intrigues you about learning in a faith-based environment? (2000 characters)

    Tell us about a time you had to work with a person whose views or culture differed from yours. How did you work with that person to accomplish the task? (2000 characters)

    (Optional) You may submit additional information to help us understand your academic record. Do you believe your academic record accurately reflects your academic ability? (2000 characters)

  • 2023 - None on CASPA

  • 2023 - None in CASPA

  • 2023 - None in CASPA



  • If you have uploaded more than three Letters of Recommendation to CASPA, please list the authors' names of the three letters you would like us to consider (one of the letters must be from a PA/MD/DO) (300 characters)

  • Please reflect on unique, challenging, or personally important facts in your background (i.e. quality of early education, SES status, culture, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, or life/work experience). Please discuss how the experience(s) have impacted your ability to meet the mission of the UKPA Program. (This should not be a regurgitation of your CASPA personal statement.) (5000 characters)

    The University of Kentucky serves many underserved areas of the state as well as outside of the state and internationally. What experiences do you have serving individuals/groups from underserved communities? Reflect on how these experiences have shaped your understanding of health disparities and access to healthcare. (5000 characters)

    Please explain anything which may have impacted your academic performance. (2000 characters)

    Please explain why you chose this University of Kentucky campus location. (1000 characters)

  • 2023- Not in CASPA

  • 2023 - None in CASPA

  • 2023 - None in CASPA


  • 2023 - None in CASPA

  • Briefly describe to the admissions committee why you want to come to Shreveport, Louisiana for PA school. Do not include "Why I want to be a PA" here. (2000 characters)

    Have you attended a program or event on the LSU Health Shreveport campus? If yes, what event? (100 characters)

  • 2023 - None in CASPA


  • Why did you decide to apply to UNE's PA program? (1250 characters)


  • 2023 - None in CASPA

  • In 500 words or less please answer the following: Our mission is to educate a Physician Assistant workforce committed to excellence, compassion, and patient-centered care to serve rural and medically underserved areas in Maryland and beyond. Please explain how your admission characteristics align with the program's mission.

  • 2023 - None in CASPA

  • What unique skills or attributes do you possess that will contribute to you becoming a collaborative, socially responsible Physician Assistant? Please provide real-world examples to support your answers. One page, double spaced. Arial or Calibri font.

  • 2023 - None in CASPA


  • 2500 characters - If you have previously applied, please explain what you have done in the interim to improve your current application (classwork, patient care, volunteerism). If you have never applied before, enter N/A.

    2500 characters - The Assumption University PA Program has a strong desire to accept students that embody the spirit of our Mission and Goals. Describe how your past experiences and future plans relate to our Mission and Goals.

    2500 characters - Diversity goes beyond demographics. How do your past experiences help you define diversity? How will you bring your own embodiment of “diversity” to your PA student cohort?

    2500 characters - How have you helped your and/or other communities, and how will you engage the community as an Assumption University PA student and practicing PA to better the health and wellness of its members?

    2000 characters - If necessary, please provide additional information related to the content in your application for consideration by the Admissions Committee (i.e., explanation of course failures/withdrawals, repeated courses, gaps in employment/educational history, etc.).

  • On website, to be submitted in CASPA application: Please comment on any gaps in your education or work history, course failures, or repeated coursework (200 word limit)

    Please comment on any missing coursework and your plan to complete the coursework prior to matriculation. If you have received prior course approval, please document below (200 word limit). Note: You can only have 2 pending prerequisite courses at the time of the application deadline

    If you have previously applied to a Physician Assistant program, what have you done to improve your application for this cycle? (200 word limit)

    In no more than 300 words, briefly elaborate on your extracurricular activities and work experience, and how it relates to the pursuit of a Physician Assistant degree.

  • 2023 - None in CASPA. Check program website.

  • 2 There are over 200 PA programs in the United States. Please describe why you want to attend the PA program at MCPHS Manchester. Please include specific impressions you have of MCPHS and the Manchester area.

    Please explain any withdrawals, failures, or leaves of absence in your transcripts

    If you are a re-applicant to the accelerated MPAS program MCPHS, please write a brief statement describing steps you have taken to strengthen your overall application to the PA program since your last application.

    Have you interviewed with MBKU? If yes, please tell us what cycle you applied (i.e. 2021-22). If you have not interviewed with MBKU, please enter "N/A". (1,000 character limit including spaces)

    If you do not have a competitive GPA, please tell us what you have done to improve your application. If not applicable, please enter "N/A". (1,000 character limit including spaces)

  • Please describe how your background and experiences have prepared you to engage with diverse patients effectively. Please give examples. (3000 characters)

    Please explain any withdrawals, failures, or leaves of absence on your transcripts. (750 characters)

    Explain any gaps greater than one year on your resume. (750 characters)

    If you are a re-applicant to MCPHS University, please write a brief statement describing steps you have taken to strengthen your overall application to the PA program since last applying. (750 characters)

  • 2023 - None in CASPA

  • Explain how your goals for a PA career align with the Northeastern University PA Program’s mission, goals, and vision of educating clinicians who exhibit innovation, leadership, cultural humility, inter-professionalism, and compassion. You may discuss this broadly or focus on any with which you most identify. (5000 characters)

    What are your current physician assistant and public health-related career goals? How will a master's degree in public health help you attain your career goals? (5000 characters)

  • Please reply to the following short essay prompts in the paragraph text fields below.

    Short Essay 1 (1000 character limit):

    a. Describe what positive contributions you can make to the PA profession and to Tufts University School of Medicine's PA Program.


    b. The Tufts PA program mission speaks to educating a diverse student body. How would you contribute to the diversity of the student body of Tufts University School of Medicine’s PA Program?

    Short Essay 2 (1500 character limit):

    What obstacles have you faced during your pursuit to become a PA and how have you overcome those challenges?

    Please explain what you have done in the interim between when you previously applied for the program, specifically regarding coursework and/or patient care experience. (1000 charcters)

  • 2023 - None in CASPA


  • 2023 - None in CASPA

  • How have you equipped yourself to understand and aid in the pursuit of equity and inclusion in your academic and/or personal life? (750 characters)

  • How will you help meet the mission of LTU's PA program and university? (1500 characters)

    Briefly list one thing in healthcare that you would like to see changed. (750 characters)

  • Once a CASPA application has been submitted and verified, you will be invited to complete the supplemental application.

  • 2023 - None in CASPA

  • Why is Detroit Mercy among your cohort of institutions to which you are applying? (5000 characters)

  • Discuss a situation, not already mentioned in this application, when you faced an ethical dilemma that tested your integrity. (2000 characters)

    Discuss a situation, not already mentioned in this application, where you exceeded your assigned responsibilities in relationship to leadership and advocacy. (2000 characters)

    Compassion and empathy are important characteristics of healthcare providers. How can you tell when someone needs help? Describe the steps you would take to provide comfort. (2000 characters)

  • 2023 - None in CASPA


  • 1000 character - How have you demonstrated a fit with the Bethel University PA Program mission and goals?

    1000 character - Physician assistants have tremendous influence over the lives of their patients and colleagues. When have you demonstrated the motivation to pursue this level of responsibility?

    1000 character - Using one or two specific examples, describe how you have demonstrated service for others.

    1200 character - Discuss skills, qualifications, and/or life experiences that have prepared you to provide culturally responsive medical care for all patients.

  • If you have previously applied to The College of St. Scholastica’s PA Medicine program, please explain what you have done to strengthen your application. If not, please enter N/A. (1,500 characters)

    How do you see this program helping you achieve your professional goals? (1,500 characters)

    How do you challenge stereotypes and promote sensitivity and inclusion? (1,500 characters)

  • 2023 - None in CASPA

  • Imagine you are the Director of Admissions for a PA program. Other than academic performance, explain what single characteristic or experience you would find most valuable in applicants when making your acceptance decisions. Then discuss how you demonstrate this characteristic or experience. (2500 characters)

    How has your life experience prepared you to effectively interact with individuals who are different from you in their social, cultural, or economic perspectives? (2500 characters)


  • 2023 - None in CASPA

  • What interested you in our program? (200 characters)


  • If you have previously applied to the Missouri State PA program, please list the year(s) of past applications, and briefly note updates made to strengthen your application. (1500 characters)

    Do you have leadership experience? If so, please describe your leadership activities. (1500 characters)

    Have you demonstrated a commitment to service activities? If yes, please describe your involvement in national, regional, or local public service activities. (1500 characters)

    Have you personally demonstrated a commitment to diversity and inclusion? Diversity is a willingness to embrace the variety of human differences which includes among others race, gender, physical abilities, gender identity, social class, etc. If yes, please explain your experience(s). (1500 characters)

    Missouri State University's identity is distinguished by its public affairs mission, which entails a campus-wide commitment to foster expertise and responsibility in ethical leadership, cultural competence and community engagement. In accordance with this, the Missouri State University Physician Assistant Program seeks to prepare highly competent physician assistant graduates to practice primary care medicine, particularly in rural and inner city areas of need, in the context of team delivered care in a rapidly evolving health care arena. Please discuss how your background and experiences have influenced your ability to meet the mission of the MSU PA program. (1500 characters)

  • Your essay should NOT be a repeat of your CASPA narrative or an explanation of the things that qualify you as an exemplary applicant. Please address the following questions in your supplemental essay: Why are you specifically interested in applying to SLU and becoming a SLU PA student? How do the mission of the SLU PA Program and the underlying Jesuit values align with your personal and professional goals? (1500 characters)

  • Describe a patient contact experience (not otherwise already stated) that impacted you and why. (2500 charaters)

    List in order of importance (with one being the most important) your top five criteria when choosing a PA program. (1000 characters)

    Use this space to explain the information in your CASPA application (i.e. grades, alterations in your proposed coursework, etc.). (2500 characters)

    What experience or knowledge do you have of physician assistants in a leadership role? (500 characters)

  • Discuss how your personal philosophy and career goals as a physician assistant will be impacted by attending the UMKC MMSPA program. (2500 characters)

    Knowing that the members of the admissions committee will have access to your complete academic record (transcripts and test scores), is there any information you would like to share with the committee regarding your academic performance? (2500 characters)


  • 2023 - None in CASPA


  • 500 characters - How do you motivate yourself for work of less interest to you?

    500 characters - Describe a time when you observed someone being treated disrespectfully. Why did you find this situation disrespectful?

    500 characters - Discuss something you've achieved that you've most proud of and why.

  • 2023 - None in CASPA . Check program website.

  • Why are you specifically interested in attending Union College? (500 characters)

  • 2023 - None in CASPA


  • How did you pursue learning about the PA profession? (500 characters)

    How have you positively impacted your community? (500 characters)

    Why do you want to attend the Touro University Nevada PA program? (500 characters)

  • Why are you interested in the University of Nevada School of Medicine Physician Assistant Studies Program? (1500 characters)

    Based on your interest and prior experiences, describe how you will contribute to the improvement of healthcare in Nevada. (1500 characters)


  • 2023 - None in CASPA

  • There are over 200 PA programs in the United States. Please describe why you want to attend the PA program at MCPHS Manchester. Please include specific impressions you have of MCPHS and the Manchester area. (2500 characters)


  • 3000 characters - Reflect upon your knowledge of the PA Profession. Select three (3) characteristics that you believe best define a PA, and explain why you selected those traits.

    3000 characters - Describe a personal challenge from your past, the manner by which you addressed it, and what you learned from the experience.

    3000 characters - How did your patient contact or healthcare-related experiences influence your decision to select the PA profession?

    3000 characters - How did your coursework in your undergraduate major prepare you for becoming a PA student?

  • Please discuss how you would contribute to the Missions of the University and the PAS Program as a student and graduate of the program. (submit to their website at

  • Submit one document answering the following questions:

    Required: How do you see yourself fitting with the Mission, Vision and Goals of the SEU PA Program and Saint Elizabeth University?

    Required: What social justice issue you are passionate about and believe you can address as a PA?

    Optional : If you struggled academically or needed to repeat any coursework, explain how you approached improving your academic ability and skills. Explain how you will apply this experience in the PA Program.

  • 2023 - None in CASPA

  • How has your healthcare experience and/or community service activities influenced your decision to become a Physician Assistant? (9999 characters)

    How has your approach to your academic coursework prepared you to be a successful PA student? (9999 characters)

    Describe your greatest strength and your greatest weakness as it pertains to becoming a PA student and a graduate PA. (9999 characters)

    Describe your exposure to PAs in clinical practice. (9999 characters)

    Why did you choose to apply to the RBHS - SHP PA Program? (9999 characters)

    If you are reapplying to Rutgers PA Program, what is different about your candidacy since the last time you applied? (9999 characters)

  • 2023 - None in CASPA


  • 2023 - None in CASPA


  • External. Check program website.

  • 600 words - Using 600 words or less, please address the following: We seek to eliminate healthcare disparity and improve the wellbeing of underserved populations by developing competent, compassionate, and mindful clinicians who may not share a similar background as their patients. Tell us about an experience that has broadened your own view of social justice and has enhanced your ability to understand those unlike yourself.

  • 2023 - None in CASPA

  • 1000 characters - What aspects of the College of Mount Saint Vincent Physician Assistant Program have had the greatest influence on your decision to apply to the program?

    1000 characters - Please carefully explain how you feel that your prior undergraduate or graduate level academic collegiate experience has prepared you for the academic challenges you may encounter at the College of Mount Saint Vincent Physician Assistant Program.

    1000 characters - What attributes do you bring to the program that will have a positive influence on class cohesiveness and will foster an atmosphere of cooperation among other students in your class.

  • 2023 - None in CASPA

  • 2023 - None in CASPA

  • 2023 - None in CASPA

  • 2023 - None in CASPA

  • If you are a re-applicant to the Hofstra program, please indicate the year(s) you previously applied and if you were or were not interviewed. If you are not a re-applicant, please type N/A.

    Please list the 3 top reasons you are applying to the Hofstra PA program and place them in priority order. (150 characters)

    How do you align with Hofstra PA program's mission? Please discuss, briefly. (700 characters)

  • The vision of the Ithaca College Master of Science in Physician Assistant Studies program is to be recognized for its servant leadership through innovative thinking and an equity framework. Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (JEDI) are part of our values. How do your experiences impact what JEDI means to you? As a Physician Assistant, how would you serve and improve healthcare for systemically disadvantaged, underserved, or vulnerable populations? (2500 - 5000 characters)

    How did you hear about the Ithaca College Physician Assistant Program? (1000 characters)

    From the last 5 years, describe your experiences of working collaboratively on a team such as committees, jobs, or athletics. Minimum 1000 characters. (1,000 - 2,500 characters)

    Describe how you are a servant leader. Minimum 1000 characters. (1,000 - 2,500 characters)

    Describe your patient care experiences and include experiences, if any, working with systemically disadvantaged, underserved, or vulnerable populations. Minimum 1000 characters. (1,000 - 2,500 characters)

  • 2023 - None in CASPA

  • 2023 - None in CASPA

  • How did you hear about the Marist College Master of Science - Physician Assistant Studies program? (250 characters)

    Why do you think the Marist College Master of Science - Physician Assistant Studies program is a good fit for you? (9999 characters)

    Are you or a family member associated with Marist College? (200 characters)

  • 2023 - None in CASPA

  • 2023 - None in CASPA

  • 2023 - None on CASPA

  • Why are you interested in attending the Pace PA Program in Pleasantville? (500 characters)

    PROMT: Pretend that the “younger” you has come to the “current” you to ask for advice about what they should do in order to achieve their goal of becoming a physician assistant. What would the “current” you say to your “younger” self?

    Additional Detains: Please write a well-formed essay in 400 words or less on the topic below. Be sure your first and last names are clearly indicated on the top of each page.

  • 2023 - None in CASPA

  • 2023 - None on CASPA

  • 2023 - None on CASPA

  • How do your educational and professional goals align with our mission? (250 characters)

  • 2023 - None in CASPA

  • 2023 - None in CASPA

  • 2023 - None in CASPA

  • 2023 - None in CASPA

    ****Check the program website

  • 2023 - None in CASPA



  • 2023 - None in CASPA

  • 1000 characters - If you have a total of 3 or more course withdrawals during your higher education, please explain the circumstances. If no, please write N/A.

    1000 characters - Do you have a personal or familial relationship with a member of the faculty or staff of the Physician Assistant program at East Carolina University? If yes, please explain. If no, please write N/A.

    2000 characters - Admission to our program is highly competitive. If you feel your GPA is less competitive and would like to provider further detail regarding such, please do so here.

    2000 characters - If you have extraordinary life and/or medical experience you would like to highlight apart from your personal narrative, please do so here.

  • 2023 - None in CASPA

  • How did you learn about the Gardner-Webb University PA Program? (999 characters)

    Describe your specific interest in the Gardner-Webb University PA Program. (999 characters)

    If accepted, what would you see as your greatest potential contribution to the class? (999 characters)

  • 2023 - None in CASPA

  • 2023 - None in CASPA

  • 2023 - None in CASPA

  • 2023 - None in CASPA

  • 2023 - None in CASPA

  • Describe any ties or meaningful experiences you have had related to the state of North Carolina. (1000 characters)

    Discuss key learning objectives you hope to achieve in your studies, and highlight your talents, background, experiences, and traits that will contribute to the enrichment or diversity of the program and medical community. (5000 characters)

  • 2023 - None in CASPA

  • 2023 - None in CASPA


  • Use this space to provide additional clarification for the UND PA Admissions Committee regarding your CASPA application (i.e., explanation of plan to complete in-progress coursework before September 1 deadline or in-progress degree by December 31 deadline, evaluated equivalency from UND Registrar for prerequisites below published standards, additions to extracurricular activities, unreported legal infractions, explanation for poor academic performance, etc.). (1000 characters)

    If you have previously applied to the University of North Dakota PA program, since your last application, what steps have you taken to strengthen your candidacy? Please note any relevant academic, employment, clinical and personal experience. If you are not reapplying, please enter N/A (1000 characters)


  • What led you to apply to Ashland University, and what do you expect to take away upon completion of the PA program? No limit

  • 2023 - None in CASPA

  • 2023 - None in CASPA

  • How did your healthcare and/or volunteer experience shape and influence your decision to become a PA? (9999 character limit)

    How do you plan to be "on mission" for Christ in your profession as a PA?

  • 2023 - None in CASPA

  • 2023 - None in CASPA

  • How do your goals align with the mission of the Marietta College Physician Assistant program? (1000 characters)

    If you were given a 'menu' listing a variety of skills necessary to be a successful Physician Assistant, which skills would you select to build your 3-course meal and why? (1000 characters)

    What discipline would you consider in your first five years of practice and why? (1000 characters)

  • How does the Mercy College of Ohio Physician Assistant Program Mission, Vision, and/or Goals match your personal mission, vision, and/or goals as a PA student? (500 characters)

    Considering that you will be a member of a relatively new PA Program, how do you envision cultivating the program’s legacy? (500 characters)

  • At Miami University’s PA Program we highly value other non-academic attributes such as leadership, volunteerism, diversity of life experiences and success in overcoming adversity. We additionally value individuals who are first-generation college students, are from an underrepresented medical minority group, or who are economically disadvantaged. If applicable, share experiences of the aforementioned. (4000 characters)

    How do you embody the mission and vision of Miami University’s PA Program? (4000 characters)

    How did you first learn about Miami University’s Physician Associate Program? (1000 characters)

    Why did you choose to apply to Miami University’s Physician Associate Program? (4000 characters)

    Please explain any academic deficiencies you have on your transcript, if applicable. (4000 characters)

  • If you are a re-applicant to our program, what have you done to improve your application since the last time you applied? (1500 characters)

    Why did you apply to Mount St. Joseph University's PA Program? (1500 characters)

    Mount St. Joseph University's PA program highly values other non-academic attributes. If applicable, share diverse life experiences relating to success in overcoming adversity. (1500 characters)

    Please explain any academic deficiencies (grades of C or lower) you have on your transcript, if applicable. (1500 characters)

  • 2023 - None in CASPA

  • Do you have any connections to the greater Columbus, Ohio area (defined as a 90 mile radius from Columbus, Ohio) including personal, family, employment/school related, ect.? Please explain. (2000 characters)

  • 2023 - None in CASPA

  • 2023 - None in CASPA

  • Discuss why you are specifically considering the University of Findlay Physician Assistant Program for your PA education. (1000 characters)

  • What do you hope to accomplish by entering the PA profession? (5000 characters)

    There are numerous PA programs in the United States. Please describe why you want to attend the PA program (please provide specifics) at the University of Mount Union. (5000 characters)

    Please explain any withdrawals, failures, or leaves of absence on your transcripts. (2000 characters)

    Explain any gaps of greater than one year in your resume. (2000 characters)

  • 2023 - None in CASPA


  • Does your academic record reflect any major challenges? If so, what are they? (200 characters)

    Explain any gaps longer than three months in your education or work history. If no gaps, enter NA. (200 characters)

    Why are you interested in the NSU PA program? (200 characters)

    If there are any weaknesses in your application, please explain? If none, put N/A. (200 characters)

    Is there any additional information you would like to share with the Admissions Committee? If so, please include below. (500 characters)

  • 2023 - None in CASPA

  • Please describe, in your own words, what qualities and experiences you possess that would make you a unique candidate for the OSU-CHS PA Program? (2,500 characters)

  • Why did you specifically choose to apply to an Oklahoma program? (300 characters)

  • 2023 - None in CASPA


  • 2023 - None in CASPA

  • 1. Based on the OHSU PA Program mission, please describe how your personal or career goals are aligned with the mission and why attending our program will help you obtain these goals. (2,250 characters)

    2. Tell us why you would like to become a PA. In your response, please address your choice to pursue this profession rather than other health professions. What steps did you take to arrive at your decision? (2,250)

    3. The lessons we take from obstacles we encounter in life can be fundamental to later success. Reconstruct a time when you faced a challenge, setback, or failure. How did you deal with this obstacle? What did you learn from the experience? (2,250)

    4. Please provide an example of a leadership experience and how it is representative of your ability to understand challenges and opportunities, to envision solutions, to take initiative to act, to inspire others to join an effort, and/or to push through resistance in reaching results. How do you plan to further develop these and other leadership skills during PA school? (2,250)

    5. OHSU has a goal to be a great organization, diverse in people and ideas. Part of that work is to ensure that we are recruiting, hiring, retaining and advancing a diverse, culturally competent learning community and workforce. We also have a responsibility to reduce disparities in healthcare and to make sure that all patients, no matter their background, receive quality care. Please discuss how you have or plan to contribute to diversity, equity and inclusion in the learning environment, in your clinical practice and/or in your community. (2,250 characters)

    7. For Reapplicants Only (those who applied to OHSU in a previous admissions cycle) - In planning for your reapplication this year, what specific aspects of your previous year’s application did you feel could be improved upon? Specifically, please detail efforts you have made in the intervening year to make yourself a more competitive applicant in the following areas: academic preparation, health care experience, PA profession exploration, etc. Mention additional PA resources you may have utilized, and expand upon your continued interest in the OHSU PA Program. In addition, be sure to update your responses to supplemental questions 1-5 above. If you previously interviewed with the program, you may want to discuss thoughts regarding the interview. In the reapplication section, your response may be as detailed as needed and not limited to 1-2 paragraphs. (4,000 characters)

    Please list any events or activities that you have participated in to inform your decision about applying to OHSU. (1,250)

  • Supplemental application on program website.


  • 1500 characters

    How do you alight with the missions of Alvernia University?.

    Describe a non-academic challenge you have experienced and what you learned from that challenge.

    Describe a time when you misjudged someone and what you learned from that experience.

  • 1000 characters - Describe a non-academic challenge you have experienced and what you learned from that.

    1000 characters - Describe a time when you misjudged someone and what you learned from that experience.

    No limit - Explain your reasons for wanting to pursue an MPH degree. Please include any qualities you have or skills you have gained which would allow you to be successful in this program.

    3000 characters - If applicable, please take this opportunity to explain any gaps in your education or work experience. If none, enter N/A.

    1000 characters - If applicable, please explain any grades on your transcript other than C+ though A+ (i.e., NP, W, F, D, NG, etc). AP credits or transfer credits do not need to be explained. If none, enter N/A.

  • Please identify the main reason(s) you decided to apply specifically to Carlow University's PA Program. (9999 characters)

  • 2023 - None in CASPA

  • 400 characters - Do you have any connections to the greater Delaware Valley region (defined as a 90-mile radius from Doylestown, PA) including personal, family, employment/school related, etc.?

    400 characters - Please describe any specific aspects of the Delaware Valley region that interest you to potentially study in this community or maintain employment in the area upon graduation.

  • 2023 - None in CASPA

  • 2023 - None in CASPA

  • 2023 - None in CASPA

  • 2023 - None in CASPA

  • What influenced you the most to apply to Mercyhurst? (200 characters)

    Agency/person who referred you to Mercyhurst? (200 characters)

  • A personal statement in which the applicant clearly and concisely describes his or her motivation for wanting to become a PA, the applicant's understanding of the PA role, and why he or she has chosen to apply to the Misericordia University PA Program (500 words, or less.) Upload the completed statement to the "Personal Statement" section of CASPA application under documents.

  • 2023 - None on CASPA

  • 2023 - None on CASPA

  • 2023 - None on CASPA

  • What about the Saint Francis PA Program specifically appeals to you as a future PA student? (250 characters)

    Please list the name of the physician assistant, employment location, contact information (e-mail and/or phone number) and the number of hours for each clinical physician assistant that you have shadowed. (500 characters)

    Briefly compare and contrast the clinical experience you gained by shadowing two different physician assistants. Did each see patients autonomously, or as a member of a team? How did the settings vary? How many hours did you spend with each? If you have not shadowed two Physician Assistants, please compare to another clinician. (9999 characters)

  • Please tell us about a rewarding aspect of your patient care experience. (9999 characters)

    Of the PA programs you are applying to, why have you chosen Saint Joseph's University? (9999 characters)

  • 2023 - None on CASPA

  • 2023 - None on CASPA

  • If you have experiences with special populations (a population whose individualized diversity and/or group identity requires specific considerations as it pertains to medical management) please explain. (2500 characters)

    Have you done any medical mission work? If so, what type and where? (1000 characters)

  • Of the PA programs you have decided to apply to, why have you chosen Temple University? (1000 characters)

    What are your plans for the current year – June 2022 until June 2023– to prepare for matriculation into the Physician Assistant program? (1000 characters)

    Please tell us about a rewarding aspect of your community service. (1000 characters)

    What academic achievement, life experience, or personal strength will contribute to making you a successful graduate student in physician assistant studies? (1000 characters)

    Have you participated in Peace Corps, Teach for America or AmeriCorps? If so, please describe your experience. (1000 characters)

  • Please explain your interest in the PA program at Thiel College, and what personal traits make you suited for our program. (500 characters)

    Please describe how your patient care experiences and community service have prepared you for a career as a Physician Assistant (500 characters)

  • 2023 - None on CASPA

  • If you’ve previously applied to the University of Pittsburgh Residential Physician Assistant Studies Program specifically, how have you strengthened your application since the last time you applied? (500 characters)

    Please complete the mission fit statement (in addition to your CASPA personal statement) that responds to the following prompt: The mission of the PAS On-Campus program is to develop highly qualified Physician Assistants who will serve as collaborative leaders in patient care, professional service and advocacy for all populations. How will your experiences, convictions, and/or identities serve to support the mission of the PAS On-Campus program at the University of Pittsburgh? (3000 characters)

  • If you've previously applied to the University of Pittsburgh Physician Assistant Hybrid program specifically, how have you strengthened your application since the last time you applied? (1500 characters)

    Please complete the mission fit statement (in addition to your CASPA personal statement) that responds to the following prompt: The mission of the PAS Hybrid program is to develop highly qualified Physician Assistants who will serve as collaborative leaders in patient care, professional service and advocacy for all populations. How will your experiences, convictions, and/or identities serve to support the mission of the PAS Hybrid program at the University of Pittsburgh? (5000 characters)

  • 2023 - None on CASPA


  • 1000 characters - Write about a patient care experience that impacted your decision to apply to PA School.

    2000 characters - If you have previously applied, please explain what you have done in the interim to improve your current application (classwork, patient care, volunteerism). If you have never applied before, enter N/A.

    1000 characters - If necessary, please provide additional information related to content in your application for consideration by the Admissions Committee (i.e. explanation of course failures/withdrawals, repeated courses, gaps in employment/educational history, etc).

    5000 characters - The Bryant University PA Program has a strong desire to accept students that embody the spirit of our Mission and Goals. Describe how your past experiences and future plans relate to our Mission and Goals?

  • In your own words, please list your top three reasons for applying to JWU. (9999 character limit)


  • 200 characters - How did you hear about the CSU PA Program?

    500 characters - What interests you the most about CSU's PA Program? Why?

    150 characters - Please list specific leadership roles you have held:

    500 characters - Have you been a volunteer in any capacity in the past four years? If so, please describe your service experience and list approximately how many hours you have served.

  • Please briefly discuss how you believe that your experiences can contribute to student diversity in the MUSC physician assistant studies program. (1,000 characters)

    If you previously applied to MUSC's PA program but were not accepted, briefly describe what you've done to strengthen your application. (If this is your first application, please enter "First application") (500 characters)

  • 2023 - None in CASPA

  • 2023 - None in CASPA

  • If you have previously applied to the University of South Carolina PA Program before, what have you done in terms of work, experience, and education, to strengthen your application? (500 characters)


  • 2023 - None in CASPA


  • 2023 - None in CASPA

  • What ONE non-classroom activity was the MOST impactful to your development as a person during your high-school and/or college career? Please list only ONE activity. If none, write "none". (60 characters)

    What achievements, awards, or leadership positions did you receive or hold related to the MOST impactful activity described above? If no activity, please write "none". (100 characters)

    What ONE non-classroom activity was the SECOND MOST impactful to your development as a person during your high-school and/or college career? Please list only ONE activity below. (60 characters)

  • 2023 - None in CASPA

  • For any prerequisite course in which you believe the grade recorded does not reflect your mastery of course material, please describe the factors (such as personal attributes, external challenges, peer support, etc.) that you believe contributed to the recorded grade. (9999 characters)

    How did you hear about the LMU-Knoxville PA Program? (250 characters)

  • The mission of the Meharry Medical College Physician Assistant Sciences Program is to increase the number of students from underrepresented groups in medicine (URiM) into the PA profession. Students will be equipped with the ability to demonstrate cultural humility, provide evidence-based and compassionate care to all patients they encounter, and foster a commitment to community service in underserved populations through equity, justice, and lifelong learning. Based on your previous experience, how have you demonstrated your ability to fit the MMC PAS mission? (1500 characters)

    What has been your most impactful community service and/or volunteer experience in recent years (4 or fewer)? How long did you volunteer, and how did you impact others? (1500 characters)

    What challenge(s) have you experienced on your journey to PA school? What did you learn that will be beneficial to you during your PA training? (1500 characters)

  • 2023 - None in CASPA

  • 2023 - None in CASPA

  • 2023 - None in CASPA

  • 2023 - None in CASPA

  • Why have you chosen to apply to Trevecca's Physician Assistant Program? (300 characters)

    Please describe what you believe sets you apart from other applicants for our program? (300 characters)

    What values are the cornerstones of your being? (250 characters)

    Briefly share an experience that demonstrates your desire and ability to persevere despite adversity. (350 characters)

    Reflecting on what is within your application and transcript, is there anything more you would like to share regarding your academic journey? (350 characters)

    Describe your normal techniques for studying and retaining difficult science material. (350 characters)

    Reflect on a time when you experienced academic struggle. What changes did you make to pursue success? (350 characters)

  • 2023 - None in CASPA

  • We strive to have a holistic application process. If applicable are there any areas of your application that you feel need further explanation such as a poor grade, GPA, GRE, etc. If so please use this space to provide your thoughts on why you would be successful in our program. This question is optional. (1500 characters)

    Why did you choose to apply to the UTHSC PA program? What about this program do you find unique or appealing? (1500 characters)


  • 2023 - None on CASPA

  • If you at any time interrupted a degree program prior to completion (for 4 months or more) or if you have ever taken a reduced academic load, state the reasons and describe what you did during the interval. If this does not apply to you, please type "N/A."

    What opportunities have you had working and collaborating with diverse and inclusive populations?

    Describe any unique life experiences including leadership, hardships, or personal achievements which will contribute to your success as a practicing clinician.

    From your understanding of the Baylor College of Medicine PA Program, which part of the total learning experience will be the most challenging for you?

  • 2023 - None on CASPA

  • 2023 - None on CASPA

  • 2023 - None on CASPA

  • In 1500 characters or less, share with us about a time in which you faced a challenge and exhibited resiliency, extreme ownership, and/or selflessness. (1500 characters)

  • Why do you want to attend our program? (1200 characters)

    How would you best describe the role of the PA as a provider and as part of the healthcare team? (1200 characters)

    How have you demonstrated resiliency in your academic or personal life? (1200 characters)

    Since you previously applied, what have you done to strengthen your application? (750 characters)

  • 2023 - None on CASPA

  • Why do you wish to come to the UT Health Science Center San Antonio PA program?

    Please describe your personal and educational experiences, background, talents, and skills that you feel will enhance the learning experience for both you and your classmates while contributing to your success in the PA profession.

    Please describe an instance or situation in which you felt mistreated and how you responded and/or resolved the issue.

    If you are reapplying to the UT Health Science Center San Antonio PA program, how have you strengthened your application? (1500 characters maximum)

  • 2023 - None on CASPA

  • WCU-TX MPA admissions essay should be between 1-2 pages and address the following:

    What is your philosophy of health care as a future physician assistant and how does it align with the mission and values of West Coast University-Texas.

    Describe 3 of your personal experiences that have motivated you to choose a career as a physician assistant.

    Explain how your philosophy and experience will impact your service to your patients and the larger community. Provide at least 2 examples.


  • 2023 - None on CASPA

  • Briefly describe your interest in attending the University of Utah Physician Assistant Program. (400 characters)

  • Have you applied to the UVU PA Program before this admissions cycle? If yes, what year(s) did you apply? How have you improved your application since the last time you applied. (500 characters)

    How many of our prerequisite classes did you retake? Did you retake any prerequisite classes more than once? Tell us why you decided to retake these classes? (2000 characters)

    Do any of your science prerequisite classes have a lab included that does not appear on the transcript. If yes, please identify the course number and where it was taken. For example if you had a chemistry class that included the lab but the lab is not listed in the course name. This is only needed for classes used to fulfill the prerequisite requirement. (1500 characters)

  • 2023 - None on CASPA


  • No limit - If relevant, please provide additional information about your academic performance for the admission's committee consideration.

  • Please explain, in three paragraphs or less, why you feel the Emory & Henry College Physician Assistant Program is the best program to pursue for your PA education (this should not be about why you want to be a PA, but rather why you want to pursue PA education here at Emory & Henry College Master of Physician Assistant Studies Program - why do you believe this Program is the right fit for you....) (2000 character limit)

  • Why did you apply to JMU?

  • 2023 - None on CASPA

  • 2023 - None on CASPA

  • 2023 - None on CASPA

  • 2023 - None on CASPA

  • How did you finance your undergraduate education? (500 characters)

    If you had a time lapse in your education, please describe what factors contributed to this. (500 characters)

    Please tell us something about yourself that is not reflected on your academic record. (500 characters)

  • Have you previously applied to the Lynchburg PA Medicine program, and if so, please tell us the year you applied and highlight any differences (degrees completed, patient care hours, etc.) that will enhance the application for this admission cycle? (500 characters)


  • Does your academic record reflect any challenges, if so, what are they? (750 characters)

    Do you have any gaps in your education or work history? If yes, please explain. If no gaps, enter N/A. (250 characters)

    Please explain, in priority order, the top three reasons you are applying to Northwest University's PA program. (2500 characters)

    How have you demonstrated alignment with our mission, vision, and goals? Please provide specific examples of personal attributes and/or activities. (2500 characters)

    How do you plan to live out/fulfill our mission, vision, and goals as a graduate of this program? (2500 characters)

    If you are not admitted to Northwest University's PA program this cycle, what will you do to strengthen your application? (500 characters)

  • Tell us what you have done to strengthen your application to MEDEX Northwest.

    Tell us how your values and experience make you a good fit for MEDEX. Why is now the right time to apply to MEDEX? 2. What are the biggest challenges you face in returning to school and what is your approach to managing these challenges? 3. What strengths, skills, and perspectives do you bring to the classroom and to healthcare? 4. Do you believe your academic history accurately reflects your academic ability to successfully complete PA school? Please explain.


  • Form on website:

  • 2023 - None in CASPA

  • We highly value applicants who show evidence of a propensity to practice medicine in medically underserved areas. Please provide examples, past or current, that demonstrate your desire to practice medicine in an underserved area. Examples include, but are not limited to: clinical experiences or community service activities (including volunteer work) with medically underserved populations (e.g. homeless, low socioeconomic status, non-English speaking, or immigrant populations), prior residence and/or employment in medically underserved geographic areas (e.g. rural or inner city), and language skills applicable to underserved populations. (3500 characters)

    Please discuss the reasons why you have chosen to apply to the University of Charleston Physician Assistant Program to obtain your physician assistant education. (3500 characters)

    If you consider a section of your application to be weak, such as poor performance during a semester or in a course, this is your opportunity to offer an explanation. (3500 characters)

  • Where do you see yourself practicing in 5 years? Be specific. (1500 characters)

    What is the longest period of time you have been away from home? Would being away from home 24 months in rural West Virginia be a significant stressor? How have you/would you deal with that stressor? Please answer as applicable to your background. (1500 characters)

    According to the Merriam Webster dictionary, grit is defined as "firmness of mind or spirit: unyielding courage in the face of hardship." Although the PA degree can certainly lead to a lifetime of career fulfillment, the completion of the WLU PA program will require firmness of mind or spirit as well as "courage in the face of hardship." Please discuss and use examples demonstrating you have sufficient "grit" to complete the program. (1500 characters)

  • Please explain in 250-500 words your interest in the physician assistant studies program at West Virginia University as it relates to our program's mission. (3000 characters)

    In 250-500 words, explain how you would contribute to the diversity of students in the physician assistant studies program, keeping in mind that diversity may be thought of in a variety of ways. Examples include race, ethnic/religious/geographic background, non-traditional or first generation college student, sexual orientation, prior life experience, and socioeconomic status. (3000 characters)


  • 2500 characters/300 words - What specifically interests you about the Carroll University Master of Science in Physician Assistant Studies Program and why do you believe you would be a good fit for the program?

    2500 characters/300 words - Carroll University and the PA program are committed to a culture where students of all backgrounds can grow and thrive by embracing diversity, equity, inclusion, and social justice. An inclusive healthcare force is essential in reducing the racial health disparities in the US. The PA profession must play an important role towards achieving health equity. What actions might you take to enhance a diverse, equitable and inclusive culture as a PA student and eventually, a practicing PA?

  • 2023 - None in CASPA

  • Please share any additional information about you or your application you would like the admissions committee to know. (2500 characters)

  • 2023 - None in CASPA

  • What are your academic/career plans in the event you are NOT selected for admission to the PA Program? (1000 characters)

    Provide a narrative in which you specifically state the reasons you have chosen to apply to our program. Please include information regarding any ties you have to our clinical partners or the geographic areas served by them. Additionally, please explain how your professional goals align with our mission: "In collaboration with nationally renowned partners, we develop exemplary PAs, in an inclusive culture, who equitably optimize the health of our region." (2000 chacraters)

    Are you currently employed by one of our clinical partner institutions (Mayo Clinic Health System, Marshfield Clinic Health System, or Gundersen Health System)? If yes, please list your current position and dates of compensated employment. (250 characters)

    If you previously applied to the program, how have you strengthened your application from the previous application cycle? (500 characters)

  • Applicants to distance education, wisPACT, and/or the MPH-MPAS option are required to write an essay discussing interest in and fit for the program option(s) to which they are applying. New for the 2023-2024 admissions cycle, applicants may apply to two tracks only. (If you indicate you are willing to be considered for curricular tracks you did not select in this application, you may be invited to interview for additional tracks based on interest and fit.) (3000 characters)

    All applicants are encouraged to provide a statement about their academic record and desire to attend the University of Wisconsin-Madison PA Program. Use this as an opportunity to point out the highlights of and circumstances surrounding your academic career. This essay may be helpful in the Admissions Committee's assessment of your academic history and contributes to a holistic review of your application. (3000 characters)

    All applicants are encouraged to provide an essay offering personal information not found elsewhere in the application. This section is intended to supplement, not duplicate, the required CASPA statement as it contributes to a holistic review of your application and gives the Admissions Committee the opportunity to learn more about who you are outside of your goal to become a Physician Assistant. (3000 characters)


  • 2023 - None on CASPA